Hand Gauntlet

Goofy goober central

Welcome to the Nix Portal! Happy you could make it to my little corner of this vast internet. Head on over to the blog, the centerpiece of this masterpiece, and when your done check out the gallery (when i get it working lol) Click around here and see else what you can find!


what im working on currently:

making it through this living hell i have created

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no ai webring previous random next a Windows 7 style dialog box titled 'The No AI Webring' with a little icon showing a computer chip in a rubbish bin. beside it are three clickable buttons, labeled Previous, Random and Next

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out! TITLE /buttons/legalize porn 88x31 button its hip to fuck bees 88x31 button 'chat, is this real?' Monkey News 88x31 button \ theawesometeg219's page colortraks.net untitledblog blinkies.cafe | make your own blinkies! Medicine_Bottle

ยฉ 2025-present
A wholy owned subsibiary of Nix Corp