like most people, i consume media. and also like most people, i have my likes and dislikes. i made a list of my favorite media here for you. hope you like my taste, because its all over.
Stellaris is a space 4X game, which, in non-nerd terms, means like Civ but in space. Despite owing the game since October, I still haven't made a whole run through the fuckin thing, which sucks. its such a interesting game, and its full of shit to do, but the main reason i like it is weird.
i used to see Stellaris gameplay in my sleep for years, but no names were ever mentioned, just gameplay, and i became obbesesed with it for like a month, but i gave up. a year or so later though, i saw an actual Stellaris gameplay video in my FYP on Youtube. i'd never heard of it before so i watched the thing and good god i was instantly in love. great game. 9/10
GoldenEye orignally came out in 1996 for the N64, but, since i hate the N64 controller, the wii version was way more appealing to me, especcially when i first played the game. little 6 year old me had no debate in using either the wii remote or the damn N64 one. first FPS i ever played, and ive spent countless hours playing this game with the gang during summer break. 8.7/10
god, where do i even start? i've been watching seinfeld since birth (no joke. my parents brought the dvds with them to the hospital. the first sound i ever heard was my mum with that funky ass bassline intro in the back.) i love this show so much and has shaped who i am as a person and as a writer. every episode is golden (the best jerry, the best). led me to other amazing shows like curb and golden girls and even furtherened my love of the culture of the 90's and 00's. its a shame this show isnt that widely known in the modern day. the characters are so captivating and every storyline is relateable and funny. odd enough, i never thought Jerry's standup was ever that funny but his show was amazing.
a bit of a newer show, but defeats nearly every new show ive seen in years. plot wise, its about a really big televanlist family who is insanly chaotic and (SPOILER ALERT FOR SEASON 1) gets blackmailed by someone with a video of someone in the family with hookers doing coke. super cool and interesting; the final season is currently being released rn on Max, so go check it out. it also has Walton Goggins or whatever is name is who was in the Fallout show. good shit and if you love dumb fucked up comedy its a must-see.
Amazing show i was hearing about on Netflix so i gave it a shot and holy shit i was laughing my ass off. i started in season 3 (there isnt any real order to watch them in) and in a 15 minute span i laughed more then i had all week. becoming the driving crooner is now my aspriation in life. amazing dumb humor like that of Gemstones, but more abusrd and in a skit format. i put it in the same zone as the chappele show in top skit humor shows. good ass comedy.
if you havent heard of this show by now, where in the fuckin hell have you been for the last 8 years? no words to say other then perfection. only one mid episode imo (the singing, S5, E31) and thats just cuz i dont like super singy bullshit. this show made childhood in the 2010's worth it.
i love the evil dead series all in all, but the 3rd one is fucking sick and i dont hear enough people talk about it nearly ever. its set right at the end of the 2nd one, where Bruce Campbell gets tossed into a portal and sent back to the middle ages. he also coins the term "boomstick" in this movie, which is kinda funny ig. really funny and stupid, and the big battle scene near the end where bad Bruce Campbell is a zombie and leads the army of darkness to the castle where good bruce campbell is leading a bunch of medieval dumbasses. some of sam raimi's finest work, as well as an amazing performance from my boy bruce campbell. a must see.
Waste Allocation Load Lifer - Earth Class! My favorite Pixar movie of all time (Rattatouie gets a close second here). it's such a beautiful plot and the animation still stands up to this day. if you've never seen the movie (if you haven't, what the fuck have you been doing for the last 17 years?! go fucking watch it!) or just need a reminder cuz its been a bit, the last robot left to clean up earth meets a girl robot from space named EVE and he becomes instantly smiten to her, being the only being (besides his trusty pet cockroach) hes talked to in hundreds of years. yada yada yada and he gets the girl and brings humanity back to earth to save the planet. fucking beautiful and it covers global pollution and the dangers of letting a megacorp like BnL take over the planet, which are two things im kinda adement about. 10/10 film.
i love all of the orignal godzilla/kaiju movies from the orignal 1954 Godzilla to 1992 Godzilla Vs. Mothra, but this one takes the cake for me personally. adding the ailens controling the mecha and the old relic plot is fucking gold. thinking about doing a rewatch soon because i havent watched in a year or so.
an amazing low budget gem i found while scrolling around for free movies on tubi a few months back. the main plot follows a guy named dave who, despite being an artist all his life, has still never made anything to make a name for himself. therefore, when his girlfriend goes on vaction, he goes apeshit and makes a gigantic cardboard labynith and gets lost in it. his girlfriend then calls a bunch of thier freinds to go resuce him when it is discovered the maze developed an ecosystem, and even, a life of its own, growing expoentally and killing many of dave's freinds. funny as hell and highly recoomended
the collective works of the Unibomber! a very interesting topic; this book includes his manifesto, Industrial Society and its Future (which is a very detailed and imo has a ton of good critisms on industrialism) and a bunch of letters and stuff he wrote throughout his campign, even up to 2022. very cool shit.
ok this book actually sucks. the recipes are incredibly fucking disgusting, noting my personal favorites being "spread-a-burger" and the meatloaf recipe. i actually own this book and i keep it on the little shelf under the coffee table so when people come over they get all fucking confused and ask about it lol.
IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY SAYING 'oh no homestucks a webcomic this guys stupid' SHUT UP.
ok anyhoo yea homestuck i really like it. i have the first 2 acts and intermission as a book, but its all fucked up. dont try to go into lore with me though, im rough but im going for a re-read soon.
im too lazy to write everything i like down so heres my playlist